
Internet Usage Agreement for Tenants


As a tenant, it is crucial to understand the terms and conditions of using the internet provided by your landlord. Many landlords nowadays provide internet services as part of the lease agreement, and it is your responsibility to use it responsibly. An internet usage agreement defines the rules and regulations that tenants must follow while using the internet. The following are some factors to consider when drafting an internet usage agreement for tenants.

1. Internet Usage Policy

The internet usage policy must be clearly defined in the agreement. It should state the use of the internet for personal and business purposes only. Tenants should understand that the internet provided is not for illegal purposes such as hacking, spreading malware, or any other activities that violate federal and state laws.

2. Security Measures

The agreement should also cover security measures such as password protection and the use of firewalls. Tenants should be advised to use secure passwords and not to share them with anyone. The landlord should also provide software that protects the internet connection from malware, which can cause damage to the network.

3. Prohibited Sites and Activities

The agreement should define the prohibited sites and activities that tenants should avoid. These may include pornography sites, gambling sites, and illegal file sharing. The landlord should be clear on the consequences that tenants will face if they violate these rules, such as termination of internet services or eviction.

4. Device Limits

The agreement should also define the number of devices that tenants can use to access the internet. This limit will help prevent overloading the network, which can slow down the internet connection for everyone. Additionally, the landlord should reserve the right to limit the bandwidth used by each tenant to ensure that the network is not overloaded.

5. Subleasing

The internet usage agreement should also include a clause prohibiting subleasing of the internet services. This clause will ensure that tenants cannot rent or sell access to the internet services to others, which can also overload the network.

In conclusion, an internet usage agreement is essential in ensuring that tenants use the internet services provided by the landlord responsibly. The agreement should define the internet usage policy, security measures, prohibited sites and activities, device limits, and subleasing. Tenants should read and understand this agreement before signing the lease agreement to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.