
Subject Verb Agreement Games for 7Th Grade


Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar that every 7th-grade student needs to learn. It’s the foundation of writing and speaking proper English, and it’s crucial to master this skill early on. However, teaching this concept to young learners can be challenging. To make it more fun and engaging, teachers can incorporate subject-verb agreement games in their lesson plans. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best subject-verb agreement games for 7th grade students.

1. Fill-in-the-Blank Game

This game is an excellent way to test your students` understanding of subject-verb agreement. You can create a fill-in-the-blank worksheet with sentences that have missing verbs. Your students will then have to supply the correct verb, ensuring that it agrees with the subject. You can make this game competitive by dividing your class into teams and giving points to the teams that answer the most questions correctly.

2. Sentence Scramble Game

The Sentence Scramble game is an exciting way to help your students understand sentence structure and subject-verb agreement. You can create sentence cards that are scrambled and mixed up. The students then have to unscramble the sentences, ensuring that the verb agrees with the subject. This game can be played individually or in teams, and you can vary the difficulty level to cater to your students` abilities.

3. Verb Charades Game

Verb Charades is a fun and interactive game that involves acting out various verbs. You can divide your class into teams, and each team takes turns acting out the verb that you give them. The other team members will then have to guess the verb. This game can be used to reinforce subject-verb agreement as the students will have to ensure that the verb they act out agrees with the subject.

4. Subject-Verb Agreement Race

The Subject-Verb Agreement Race involves dividing your class into two teams and having a race to see which team can match the most subject-verb pairs. You can create subject cards and verb cards that are mixed up, and the students will have to match them correctly before the other team does. This game is a quick-paced, exciting way to reinforce subject-verb agreement.

5. Kahoot Quiz Game

Kahoot is an online quiz platform that allows you to create engaging quizzes that your students can access from their smartphones or laptops. You can create a Kahoot quiz that covers subject-verb agreement and allow your students to play individually or in teams. This game is perfect for 7th-grade students who enjoy technology and games.

In conclusion, teaching subject-verb agreement to 7th-grade students can be challenging, but incorporating games in your lesson plan can make it more enjoyable and interactive. The games mentioned above are just a few examples of how you can make learning subject-verb agreement more fun and engaging for your students. So, go ahead, try them out, and watch your students master this crucial skill.