
India Euratom Agreement Upsc


India-Euratom Agreement: What You Need to Know for the UPSC Exam

The India-Euratom Agreement is an important topic for UPSC aspirants who are preparing for their exams and need to stay updated on current affairs. This agreement is a milestone in the relationship between India and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and has far-reaching implications for bilateral cooperation in various spheres.

So, what exactly is the India-Euratom Agreement, and why should you study it? Let`s delve deeper and find out.

What is the India-Euratom Agreement?

The India-Euratom Agreement is a bilateral agreement signed between India and Euratom in March 2018. It aims to strengthen cooperation between the two entities in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, research and development, and other related areas.

The agreement was signed during the 14th EU-India Summit in New Delhi, which was attended by the heads of state of both India and the European Union (EU). The agreement brings India and Euratom closer in their quest to promote the safe, secure, and sustainable use of nuclear energy.

What are the Key Aspects of the Agreement?

The India-Euratom Agreement covers a wide range of areas related to nuclear energy and cooperation, including:

1. Nuclear safety and security: Both India and Euratom emphasize the importance of nuclear safety and security. The agreement envisages cooperation and exchange of information in these areas to ensure the highest standards of safety and security of nuclear facilities and material.

2. Research and Development: The agreement encourages cooperation in nuclear research and development. This includes joint research projects, exchange of scientists and experts, and sharing of knowledge and best practices.

3. Nuclear Waste Management: Both India and Euratom acknowledge the importance of safe and efficient management of nuclear waste. The agreement seeks to promote cooperation in this area, including the development of new technologies and solutions.

4. Nuclear Fusion: The agreement recognizes the potential of nuclear fusion as a safe and sustainable source of energy. It includes provisions for cooperation in this area, including the development of fusion technology and joint research projects.

Why is the India-Euratom Agreement important?

The India-Euratom Agreement is important for several reasons. First, it marks a significant milestone in the relationship between India and Euratom. India is one of the few countries in the world that have not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). However, the agreement recognizes India`s commitment to the safe and peaceful use of nuclear energy and promotes cooperation in this area.

Second, the agreement has implications for India`s energy security. India is heavily dependent on fossil fuels for its energy needs. Nuclear energy can play a crucial role in meeting India`s growing energy demand and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels.

Third, the agreement promotes scientific and technological cooperation between India and Euratom. This can have far-reaching benefits in areas such as nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, and environmental monitoring.

Finally, the agreement can have broader geopolitical implications. It can help India enhance its standing in the international community and strengthen its relationships with European countries.


The India-Euratom Agreement is an important topic for UPSC aspirants who are preparing for their exams. The agreement aims to strengthen cooperation between India and the European Atomic Energy Community in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, research and development, and other related areas. The agreement has implications for India`s energy security, scientific and technological cooperation, and broader geopolitical relations. As an aspirant, it is important to stay updated on the major developments in this area.