
Restatement Second of Contracts Unconscionability


The Restatement Second of Contracts is a widely recognized legal text that provides guidance on contracts and their interpretation. One area it addresses is the issue of unconscionability.

Unconscionability refers to a contract or a portion of a contract that is so unfair or one-sided that it shocks the conscience of the parties involved. The Restatement Second of Contracts defines unconscionability as the absence of meaningful choice on one party`s part and terms that are unreasonably favorable to the other party.

In determining whether a contract or provision is unconscionable, courts often consider factors such as the relative bargaining power of the parties, the commercial context of the transaction, and whether the contract term or provision is hidden or obscure.

If a contract or provision is found to be unconscionable, it may be deemed unenforceable. However, some courts will only strike down the offending provision rather than voiding the entire contract.

It`s important for businesses and individuals to be aware of the principles of unconscionability when entering into contracts. This includes ensuring that there is meaningful negotiation and agreement on all terms, providing transparency and clarity in the language and structure of the contract, and avoiding any terms or provisions that may be viewed as one-sided or unfairly favorable.

In summary, the Restatement Second of Contracts provides valuable guidance on the issue of unconscionability in contracts. It highlights the importance of meaningful negotiation and fair terms for all parties involved. As a result, it`s essential for businesses and individuals alike to be aware of the principles of unconscionability to ensure that their contracts are fair and enforceable.