
Coercive International Agreements


Coercive international agreements are agreements made between countries that are entered into under pressure or force. These types of agreements are often critiqued for the unequal terms and the lack of fairness in the negotiation process.

The negotiation process of a coercive international agreement usually involves one country having more leverage than the other. This leverage is often gained through economic, political or military power. For example, a developed country may use its power to force an underdeveloped country to sign an agreement that may not be in the best interest of the underdeveloped country.

Another issue with coercive international agreements is the unequal terms offered. The terms of the agreement are often skewed in favor of the more powerful country. These terms can include things like unfavorable trade practices or terms that require the weaker country to give up resources or land.

In addition to the unfair negotiation process and the unequal terms, coercive international agreements can also have negative effects on the weaker country`s economy and society. For example, the terms of the agreement may require the weaker country to open up its markets to foreign businesses, resulting in the loss of jobs for local workers and a decrease in the country`s economic growth.

Fortunately, there are ways to address the issue of coercive international agreements. One way is to increase transparency in the negotiation process and ensuring that all parties have an equal say. This can be achieved by involving organizations like the United Nations in the negotiation process.

Another way is to increase the power of the weaker country in the negotiation process. This can be done by building up the country`s economic and political power, which would give them a stronger bargaining position.

In conclusion, coercive international agreements are a major issue in international relations. These agreements often result in a lack of fairness and unequal terms, which can negatively impact the weaker country`s economy and society. By increasing transparency and power in the negotiation process, we can work towards fairer and more just international agreements.